who we are

About Us

Married since 2008, we love serving as a family. Cristian (Cris) was born in Chile and has a …[READ MORE]

Our History: from China to France

In over 10 years of ministry, my wife Emilie and I have given our lives to pastor and mentor those that God has sent us into China, and then in Thailand.  In March 2017, we moved to France not knowing what will await for us, and the Lord has placed France in our hearts. [read more]

Our Vision: to make disciples that make disciples

The need for Christian workers has never been greater. As missionaries who deeply desire to make Christ known, our prayer is that you’ll be moved to take action in some way to support evangelistic efforts in France, either through intercessory prayer or a financial partnership. [read more]

Some interesting Facts about France

did you know?

France is the most visited country in the world, receiving 82 million foreign tourists annually.

French is spoken by nearly 200 million people in more than 43 countries on five continents, several African countries, including several Arab countries – most of which are Muslim.

Additionally, France has received tens of millions of immigrants from around the world. Many of the nationalities represented come from closed and hard-to-reach people groups. This provides on-going and high-impact opportunities to share the Gospel with residents and visitors who will then return to their home countries and evangelize their friends and neighbors.

40 - 50 %
France has the 4th largest atheist population in the world. 40-50% of the population say that they do not believe in God. That's between 25 and 32 million people. Christian beliefs and values are thought of as roadblocks to progressive thinking. 
1 x 10
France is home to the largest number of Muslims in Western Europe. Islam is now the second most common religion of France. There are now at least 10 Muslims in France for every 1 Evangelical Christian. Muslims make up around 11% of the population- an estimated 7 million people.
80 %
The Bible is alien to most French people- less than 10% own a Bible and 80% have never even handled one. Christianity remains practically unknown territory to most French people.  Meanwhile the number of evangelical represent less than 1%, around 500,000 scattered around France.
About half of the French population believe in faith healing, with one quarter putting their faith in clairvoyants or astrology.  There are over 30,000 registered Mediums and Spiritual Healers in France.​ That's 10 times more people earning a living in occult practices than there are evangelical pastors and missionaries. 

Latest News

God’s not in quarantine

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It is about the Kingdom of God

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Merry Christmas 2019!

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